Roshan Academy aim is:-
To personal growth , intellectual , moral, physical and social.
To provide a sound of quality education.
To help them develop a sense a belonging to the good person.
To nurture the student’s personality towards the best moral conduct , healthy attitude, and self discipline in accordance with the leaching of the moral education and to encourage him / her to develop as responsible citizen, contributing to the well being of society and of human kind in general.
Self discipline through moral instruction.
The curriculum is carefully designed for children to fulfill their requirements.
To be able to read, write and understood commonly used Anglo Bengali term and phrases including Hindi & Arbic reading.
Roshan Academy is an innovative school makes use of the talents and skills of staff, students and Parents to Provide a wide range of educational programmes and projects. With a long and rewarding history of achievement in our school committee continues To move forward to gather with confidence, pride and Enthusiasm. I hope you enjoy your visit to the website.
Principal - Md Miraj Ahamed